Please take notice: I would like to respectfully ask you again to please correct your mistake in the article. My aunt's correct name was Sandra Jean GRAHAM!!! Not BROWN!!! As you are profiting off of these crimes with your book, PLEASE at least get her name right!
(Senders name withheld here)
Murders in the Swampland 3rd edition
As of this date, 2-9-2013, Mansfield is STILL jailed in California...
At a recent parole hearing Mansfield, now age 51, would not comply with psychological testing requirements required by the California Parole Board, said Det. Mike Nelson of the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office. Mansfield, who killed young women and buried their bodies in his parents’ yard in Weeki Wachee, started serving a life sentence in 1982 for the murder of Renee Saling in Santa Cruz, CA. Also, Judge L.R. Huffstleter sentenced Mansfield to four life terms for his Florida murdering spree that began in the 1970s. Mansfield plead guilty to the Florida murders.”
In California, it took a second trail to get Mansfield convicted for killing Saling, Nelson added. Nelson is now trying to identify two bodies whose bones were recovered along with Sandra Jean Graham (Brown..?), 21, of Tampa, and Elaine Zeigler, 15, of a KOA campsite near Brooksville. The bodies were dug up on the Mansfield property after Mansfield was arrested in California.
Though years have gone by since the slayings, there is so much you can do now with new DNA developments, Nelson said. During Mansfield’s Hernando County trial, several witnesses testified that they knew of the goings-on at the Mansfield property at the time of the slayings.
Actually, notice of the Mansfield killings came out by accident when a witness in an unrelated trial mentioned that Mansfield had buried bodies in the family yard. After four bodies were dug up at the Mansfield property and Mansfield was brought to trial, several witnesses testified that Mansfield picked up “girls” and took them to an old green bus located on the Mansfield property, raped them, killed them and then buried their bodies in the family yard.
During the initial investigation authorities said that if they started arresting people for withholding evidence they would have to add a new wing to the jail. There are “all kinds of rumors and speculations” that Mansfield may have buried more bodies in areas of Hernando County, but with any substantial evidence “we’d be back on the property digging,” Nelson said. Nelson said Mansfield has come up twice before for probation hearings. This year Mansfield’s mother attended, Nelson confirmed. A phone number for Mansfield’s parents Virginia and Billy Mansfield Sr. could not be located.
According to Attorney Jimmy Brown, who prosecuted Mansfield for the Florida murders, Mansfield was up for parole last year but it turned out to be a “non started”, which means there wasn’t even a hearing, Brown said.
According to Nelson, the Florida Parole Board “has been in touch with him” but a hearing here is “way down the road”. It is not likely that Mansfield will ever get out of prison alive, said Nelson.
“If he does he will be in excess of one-hundred years old.” Some of the victims’ families here do keep watch on the case, he added. Mansfield has been housed at several prisons since beginning his life-sentence for killing Saling.
He is currently at Pleasant Valley State Prison in Coalinga, CA; a spokesman there didn’t return my phone calls. Prisoners are moved about in California sometimes at their own request and sometimes for population reasons, Nelson said.
Mansfield is suspected of numerous rapes and other slaying during his killing spree in Westcentral Florida.
Read: The Story of Billy Mansfield & Secrets Hidden in the Green Bus--one of 17 true crime cases covered in MURDERS IN THE SWAMPLAND
I am Sandy Graham's nephew. I am appalled that jason mansfield can have such a flippant attitude regarding a matter that was such a tragedy and hellish ordeal for my family. He sounds like a psychopath right alongside the rest of them.
I was ten years old when my aunt, who was 21, was abducted and brutally murdered by that inhuman monster billy mansfield jr. She was missing for an entire year before they recovered her body, along with several others, from that Godforsaken mansfield property. If jason's father had knowledge of or participated in any way with the events that occured, I hope he rots in hell right alongside billy.
Patrick Davis
Hello,Jason- too bad that your email address does not exist. If you do read this, stop being a coward and email me via this website.
I'm so sorry for what happened to your families. I of course had nothing to do with it, but I can understand your hurt and anger. Please forgive me if I was Flippant as u say. I meant no harm.
I would like to respectfully ask that you please write my aunt's name correctly in your posts. She was one of the victims of Mansfield. It is written as Sandra Jean "Brown" on this site as well as your MySpace. It should read Sandra Jean GRAHAM. I would appreciate your attention to this matter. Thanks
As embarrassed as I am to say this my mother married and had 2 kids(my sisters) with this guys brother, Robby Mansfield. He has since overdosed on drugs n died. The killers father who got out of jail in only 10yrs, even tho he played a much bigger role in these murders, & them finding him in possession of child pornography, got the lighter sentance because his son took the brunt of the blame for everythg. And still to this day the father, Bill is his name also I believe, I havent been on that property since I was about 9yrs old when my birth mother took my brother and I down there without MY grandparents (who were until we all turned 18 our legal guardians)still to this day living on the property all this occured, along with most of the rest of that sick, uneducated, something out of the hills have eyes movie!! Theyre all wacked out on some kind of drugs. The 1 house n all the trailers on the property r filthy!! Recently, my sisters that were born after all this took place but that the grandma Virginia Mansfield n her child molestor of a husband actually took my sisters on a vaca to see that pig in jail in California!! Shortly after due to more probs the Mansfields were facing my 2 sisters, which MY grandparents and brother didnt even know exsisted were taken and placed into foster care. Because of all their lenghthy criminal records dcf would not allow my sisters to go back. MY grandparents ended up getting custody of the 2 grandchildren their daughter had with this man Robby and the rest in history 4 my family.
I am terribly sorry 4 all the families affected by these sick individuals, n the sad part is that there are prob more families missing loved 1s that r prob still buried there smwh waiting 2b found! My sisters recently contacted Virginia Mansfield n went up to the propertu n they told me every inch of the property is covered in survilance cameras n thegrandfather sits in this trailer thg on the property all day long watching the videos 2 c if ne1 is comin on his prop. At nite!! Paranoid much?? About what?? All I kno is this is a sick family and im thankful my sisters got taken away from there n atleast nw they hav a fgtin chance & arent like the rest of the people on that prob addicted at2 1 or drugs, workin at there local stripclub lollipops, with their teeth rotting out of their mouth!! My sisters are healthy and far from the unfortunate last name that haunts them still to this day!! The 1 in jail also, within the past few wks got visited by his parents in Cali jail from what my sisters say too. N they actually took pics of him 2 bring bk 2 show them who their uncle was! So sick....isnt the word for this family! Any qs or would like to know anythg else from me or my sisters feel free to contact us! Sorry again 2 the families affected by this twisted, sick, demented family!!
I live very close to where the Mansfield murders took place. I also knew Melinda Harder who is mentioned in the book who was never found. She mentioned to me when I met her she was dating a man named Seve Mansfield so I believe she was one of his victims. her name crosses my mind quite often.
he used the name steve as an alias according to the book "when angels weep"
My boyfriend is related to Renee Saling and we are trying to get information regarding Mansfield's next parole hearing and if he is still being held at Pleasant Valley State Prison. If you have any ideas, any information would help us out.
Thank You
Santa Cruz kid
would any of the people out there like to know who really murdered the girls.and there's more where they come from and there is going to be more and more killed and raped.by the real Mansfield killer. you see they gave my uncle immunity for murdering all those women as he blamed his brother for it.you see what they don't want you to know is that my dads dna didn't show up at any of the crime scenes .and also Florida did a sodium pentothal test of my father and it came out that my uncle committed the murders and my dad was taking the rap.several Florida and Santa Cruz officials will be named soon . that is the ones that knew for all these years that they let a killer walk free to kill some more.and that's what happened . the lives of the girls that have been raped and murdered since and that are going to be and that will be on there hands and everyone is going to know it .if you know anyone that would like a piece of the truth.there are only a very few people that no all the facts and i happen to one of them being iam bill mansfield III.the so called killers son .
I would like to respectfully ask you again to please correct your mistake in the article. My aunt's correct name was Sandra Jean GRAHAM!!! Not BROWN!!! As you are profiting off of these crimes with your book, PLEASE at least get her name right!
Patrick Davis
I am friends with 2 young ladies who grew up living next door to the Mansfield family in
grand Rapids, MI. They both ended up in foster care system, because their parents were friends with Bill SR. Both girls had been molested by each of the boys as well as there father. When the tie came to be held accountable, the family moved to Florida. The girls do not speak of them anymore and have move onto have great lives. I to had my own encounter with Bill JR, he lived a block over from me with his wife Phyllis and young Billy III. He found me alone one day, and asked if I was afraid of him, I said Yes. He laughed and moved closer, he was creepy. As he got nearer to me, my father came around and it scared him off. He was clear that he would catch up with me later. I was 16 at the time.My sister was less careful and did babysit for them. There were drugs in the home, she doesn't talk about it at all now. As for Billy III, he is a registered sex offender of young girls in Michigan himself. He has had 2 sets of charges for different incidents. The family carries on here in Michigan. The inmate search is full of Mansfield family in Kent County.
Not all of them are bad!! I lived on that property for almost 8yrs with Jeremiah kott his mother is Cheryl and they are actually the most sweetest ppl u would ever know! I know the whole family and I know secrets too but they have nothing to do with what happened so let's not talk about the whole family or dirty houses cause the one I lived in was always clean
R u trying to say it was grandpa ?????
Tell me a secret
I just wanted to point out that EVERY article I have read, and Billy's listing on Murderpedia ALL list the victim as Sandra Graham - so, I don't understand your reluctance to simply correct your mistake. A little respect for a human being who went through what that woman did doesn't seem like much to ask - especially since you're a "writer"? Aren't you supposed to research your subjects?
I'm the son of Billy I know for a fact Gary Mansfield is guilty for these murders and more along with others
Well since we like pointing fingers at ppl lets start pointing fingers at u. I do believe i read that u are a 2 time sex offender on young girls from michigan. Now what u got to say about that.
Name: BILL MANSFIELD III Registration #: S12070940
Level: Tier 2
Status: Active
Last Verification Date: 02/24/2016
Registration Start Date: 01/21/2010
So, the sex offender claims his dad is NOT the murderer/rapist because he "took the blame" for his brother, and he thinks this somehow makes him look better? The fact that the brother took the blame so his murdering/rapist brother could go on and commit more atrocities is supposed to make him look good how? Your family isn't wound too tight, huh, scumbag?
It seems that the philosophy of how to treat women in the Mansfield family is a genetic trait, lol.
• Date Convicted: 01/21/2010
How about we just start out with the basics, Billy III. Try teaching any of your offspring that if they want to have sex with someone, and that person doesn't want to have sex with them, that it's not the right thing to do to rape them. Let's start there, ok? Maybe you can be the one to end the cycle. If not, hopefully, you're grandpa got too old to rape your offspring and set them on that path, like I am assuming he did to you, your pa, and your uncle. That's a creepy family you have there.
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